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This half a day session uses both lecture and workshop style to provide insights into the various transactions linked to Money Laundering risks due to fronting, tax evasion, corruption, insider trading, cybercrime and sanctions circumvention. It will also cover reviewing the behavioural patterns of certain types of clients and detecting the emerging patterns which are used to hide suspicious transactions.

Target Audience

  • Private Banking Relationship Managers
  • Frontline Banking Officers
  • Private Banking Product Specialists
  • Customer Service and Settlement Officers
  • Trustees

Course Objectives

  • Understanding the risks of transaction monitoring
  • To be competent in reviewing behavioural patterns of risky transactions

Course Outline

Understanding Risk Clients

Clients’ potentially suspicious transactions: which transactions of certain types of clients must be watched carefully?

  • For each category of client and the associated type of risk the transactions may reveal?
  • What are the scenarios to detect and red-flag
  • What behavioural patterns (that indicate a risk) to detect for certain types of clients:
    • Politically Exposed Persons and the associated risks of their transactions
    • Payment to the trust by the settlor and payment of benefit to beneficiaries not related to settlor
    • The use of offshore for layering transactions and once off transactions with inactive companies
    • High tax risk clients: what are the transactions to watch, which scenarios and patterns, specific red flags; what are the usual justifications/reasons provided by the client to justify

Managing Risky Transactions

Which transactions constitute/ indicate a money laundering / financial crime risk?

  • fronting accounts
  • tax evasion
  • bribery/corruption
  • insider trading
  • cyber crime
  • policy circumvention / sanctions circumvention

Keeping up with New Suspicious Transactions

Capturing and anticipating emerging threats and new behaviours

  • The emerging types of predicate offence to money laundering shown by recent STRs?
  • The emerging patterns and behaviours which are used to hide suspicious transactions?
  • The new criminal activities/businesses in which jurisdictions which are carried on through transactions and use of bank accounts that must be detected: cyber criminality, payments using digital assets


Assessment - MCQ